Thursday, February 27, 2014

Walk Through Revolution

Hello Fifth Grade Families!

As you may know, we have out Walk Through the American Revolution this coming Wednesday. I found out today that it was scheduled to begin before we normally have school begin on Wednesdays. Please have your child at school at 8:15am on Wednesday, March 5th, and sent them straight to the classroom. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may be. I have informed Mr. Borris and Mrs. Muldoon of our schedule.

If you are interested in observing the program, you are welcome to join us. We will be going until around 11:30. The host program has asked that younger siblings do not attend because it is a long program. There will be a five minute bathroom break, but we will not have a recess break during the program. Please let me know if you are planning to observe so that we have enough chairs prepared.

We talked about props and costumes in class today. Please do not send in any toy weapons. Do not feel the need to purchase any costumes or props. I showed the students different ideas that they can make with things that are already at home or in the classroom. I would prefer that they are creative with their costumes than have them buy something expensive that will be worn two or three times. (The same costumes can be worn for Colonial Day and the state musical in the future.)

Thank you for your flexibility and for having your child here at 8:15am on Wednesday, March 5! If you have any questions please let me know.

Click here for the battle script