Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Hello Fifth Grade Families,

Thank you for your patience yesterday as we battled the challenges with the math videos. It appears that the new filters on student accounts have blocked my math videos, which is why there were some issues loading them through the student login. Additionally, EDpuzzle was having their own issues. About 9pm I heard from them that it was not just our class experiencing difficulties. At 1am, they sent me an issue saying that the problems have been resolved. 

Unfortunately, with the program maintenance that they had to do, our video and all student work was lost for yesterday's assignment and all students were removed from our EDpuzzle class. Because of this, our math time today was spent one of two ways: working on a challenge if students watched the video, or working with me in a small group if they were unable to watch the video or did not understand it.

I expect that the EDpuzzle homework will be working tonight with a few changes. As our class was deleted, I have emailed the students instructions to join a new class. They should not be using their school Google accounts to access the program, at least until the filtering system is adjusted. A new username scheme has been emailed to the students with our new class code. Another option that I forgot to tell students about yesterday is that EDpuzzle has a free iOS app that they may also use to access the material. (Android should be released later in the year.) If there are issues again tonight, please have your child email me so that we can resolve them.

Thank you for your patience and understanding though this adventure!