Hello All!
I have a few new things to tell you about and a couple of reminders.
First, please try to memorize your email address and password as quickly as possible so we do not need to waste time in class figuring out how to login to GoogleDocs. I am excited that we are able to use this. Parents, if you have any concerns about the email, please let me know. Do know that it is a restricted email address so that it can only exchange messages with people within our domain.
Second, I was able to set up each of you with an online copy of the math book. (It finally worked!) Your username and password instructions have been emailed to your school email account. I do not know how much we will be using it for homework, but it is a great resource if you have questions or want to review the material.
I have looked over the math tests, and want to look over it again before returning it. My goal is to return it to you probably Tuesday so that you can do corrections (I'll give you instructions and details of what I'm looking for) and we can learn from any mistakes.
In your Friday folders you should have found a permission slip for our field trip and an emergency form. Our class is going on Monday the 30th, just over two weeks away. I need both forms returned for students to be able to participate in the field trip. Parents, if you are interested in chaperoning it, please let me know! You will need to have been approved by the district to volunteer before the trip. Click here for a description of chaperon (Tall Sailor) duties.
Thank you to all the parent volunteers. I am working on putting together a schedule of who is willing to help and when they come in. If you have any schedule changes or have not told me that you'd like to help in the class, please let me know!
Also, I have added a calendar to the side of the blog so you can know what is coming up for us. If you have a Google account, you should be able to add the calendar to your Google calendar by clicking on the + button on the bottom right. Have you tried following the website so you can receive updates by email? (I won't see your email address.)
Have a great weekend! If you have any questions feel free to let me know!
Mr. Funk