Hey All!
I would say not to forget the field trip on Monday, but I don't think you'll forget. However, please do remember to wear close-toed shoes and layers, including long pants. Weather will not end our trip and I do not want you to be cold and unhappy throughout the trip. Also remember your lunch, with name written on it, and that you may not bring any electronic devices. If your parents want updates, incase there is bad traffic or other issues, they can subscribe to Remind101. The instructions are below. You can subscribe, too, but get their permission first.
Wednesday we are working with buddies and painting. If you'd like to bring in an old shirt or a smock of some sort please feel free. I can store them in class for the year if you'd like.
Don't forget to have your parents sign your progress reports!
Come ready for a great trip Monday! See ya then!
Mr. Funk